
Monday, December 26, 2011

update: jersey dress

Well, I still haven't finished the dress. I'm undecided about the piping along the bottom hem. But, I promised to put up pictures.

(Strap: notice the "skillful" pleating on the front which gives nice folds to the neckline)

I basically just made a little orange tube and then shoved the corners of my red fabric inside...folded and sewed. Is that cheating? I think it looks nice.

While putting off the decision about the bottom hem I took on another project (I figured I'm already on a why not?)

(look! it looks like a piece of paper but actually it's sewn!!)

Ideally I'd like to embroider a quote or something on the page, but I'm having a hard time coming up with something meaningful. Currently I'm considering a list of my five favorite foods. Or top five cities in the world. Or five places I'd like to visit before I die (in a completely not morbid way). Ideas?

Not to worry, I will most likely paint the frame before displaying the final product. (yay Ikea frames for cheap!)

Now to find a new project to take on for the afternoon...


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