
Friday, December 23, 2011

the first post is the hardest...

I keep trying to start a blog.

I find myself spending an hour or two on designing the layout, typing up some inspirational words, possibly even posting a picture or two of my latest projects...and then fizzling. I'm pretty sure that's why all the titles I wanted to use for this blog were already taken. They are dead and buried remnants of my old attempts.

So then I thought to myself (this after hours of reading other people's blogs and thinking to myself that I, too, have SO much to say!) I should start a new one! This time I will not set goals for myself with regards to how crafty and DIY-y, and clever I need to be. I'll simply write what I want to write and share whatever great ideas come my way, with hopes that maybe other people will be able to gain (or at least be entertained) from my experiences.

Not to mention, I need a place to write, and it seems silly to write to myself in a journal when I could instead pretend that there are hundreds (yes, hundreds!) of people reading my words and checking to see if I've posted every single day. No, I'm not delusional. Just optimistic.

So welcome readers. I know you are out there.
I hope you enjoy my mostly random ramblings with the occasional touch of crafts, sewing, cooking, or other endeavors.

Oh, and because I'm starting this on December 23rd, I have PROOF that this is not part of some silly New Year's resolution. (those will come in a week)

That's all!

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