I found a chair on craigslist, and although it was not attractive, it was only $20 (which may sound not so cheap but I was looking for something solid wood with armrests and a cushioned seat). I should mention that this was back in August. I bought the chair and brought it home...it was very grandmotherly (no offense to grandmothers, vintage is totally "in"), and too formal for what I wanted, but I had a vision.
I got to work.
(we removed the WHITE fabric covered seat...and two legs...and started sanding) |
Finally I told myself that I HAD to finish the project. The pile of clothes on the floor was getting to be ridiculous, and I really wanted our bedroom to feel a little bit more finished (I also decided I should sew some curtains...after I completed the chair).
So I (we...eventually I enlisted help) continued sanding.
(sanding is no fun...I have an awful tendency to sand the skin off my knuckles...) |
FINALLY, we finished sanding. Now came the fun and easy parts. I re-upholstered the seat cushion with some fun and bright fabric, and painted the chair (we used primer and paint in one).
(oooh. pretty) |
It looks much brighter in person (it's not very pastel/easter-y).
Since I used paint we already had (from our table project), I only had to buy the chair and fabric to cover the seat...so it was a pretty economical project. That is, unless you count the hours of work I put into it...
Moral of the story- re-doing furniture is a lot of fun...when it has straight lines!
c'est tout.
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