
Saturday, February 25, 2012

discovery! (ok, old news)

(Not my finger...sadly)
Has everyone met Brookesia micra?? This little dude is the newly discovered world's tiniest chameleon. What a winner.

Apart from the fact that he is just too cute, his discovery also coincides very nicely with our current topic of discussion in biology (you guessed it! evolution!). The researchers who discovered him have written a fabulously interesting report, the gist of which points to the idea of "island dwarfism" which basically means that if you are on an island and the resources are limited, it's much better to be tiny than huge.

I mostly think he's cute, but also, it astounds me that he was ever discovered: he is both teeny teeny tiny, AND a chameleon!! What are the chances of finding him in the middle of a jungle? Someone was bored, huh? It does add another reason to my list of "why to visit Madagascar",ok, in truth, this is the beginning of said list, but now it seems necessary.

(It kills me...look how tiny he is)

There are tons of other too cute images of him floating around the web or in the links above, I highly recommend checking them out. Also, if it interests you and you don't have other work/commitments read more about insular dwarfism, it's fascinating and you can learn about dwarf elephants (who, despite significant decrease in size, are unable to walk on the tip of your finger...).

c'est tout!


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