Well, it seems I've been a little weak on the blogging front. My mind has been way too caught up in science-y fact related thoughts to be able to escape into creative mode on short notice. It's a problem. Really, not just with blogging, but I have a hard time switching into writing for classes as well...it takes hours to get the creative juices flowing.
This is more of a catch up/see what I've been up to kind of post. Mid-terms were last week, which was thrilling (or mostly just stressful!), and now I'm on "spring break". I say that in quotations because I still feel like I have way too much to do, and since I still have work 5 days of the week...it seems unfair to refer to this as a real vacation.
Last week we had another chemistry baking experiment. This time we used different types of flours but otherwise the exact same recipe and procedure in creating sugar cookies:
(King Arthur Flour is apparently the best you can get in the US, according to my croissant making research...it's worth the extra moolah) |
(I'm so dubious of this baking thing) |
(Experimental batch: left hand side whole wheat, right side cake flour) |
(Mmmm...Raspberry iced cookies, framboise at its finest) |
I'm happy to report that the whole wheat ones were delicious. I had been a little nervous that they would be dry and gross, but actually we preferred their taste over the white flour. Ideally we would have done several more batches with different flours, but there were just TOO many cookies.
On a non-baking note: I've been sewing! Just a little bit, but I've made a baby hat, a zippered lined pouch, and the muslin of a reversible dress (which may be overly ambitious..we'll see)
(With huge congratulations to Emily and Scott on their new baby girl!- the hat is on its way with another give for the wee one) |
(Green Corduroy zippered pouch....it may have been a mistake to do this without a pattern, it was no easy task to turn it right side out) |
(Lining: so cute, so worth the sweat and swearing) |
I'm still working on the muslin of the reversible dress...but I did teach myself buttonholes, so easy and so beautiful, I may start using buttons on EVERYTHING (the same way I do zippers). Pictures to come.
c'est tout!